T. Abbas, M. Rizwan, S. Ali, M. Adrees, A. Mahmood et al., Biochar application increased the growth and yield and reduced cadmium Table 2. As, Fe and Pb soil pseudo-total concentrations (g.kg-1 soil), CaCl 2-extractable and NH 4 NO 3-extractable concentrations (mg.kg-1 soil) determined at the beginning of the experiment on Pontgibaud technosol (P) alone (P0%), 2018.

, 5% iron grit (I), alone or combined. Different letters by column indicate significant difference

, kg-1 soil) [Fe](g.kg-1 soil) [Pb](mg.kg-1 soil) [As](mg.kg-1 soil) [Fe](mg.kg-1 soil) [Pb](mg.kg-1 soil) [As](mg.kg-1 soil) [Fe](mg.kg-1 soil

, Pontgibaud technosol (P) alone (P0%) and amended with 5% biochar (B), 5% compost (C) or 1.5% iron grit (I), alone (P0%) or combined. EC = electrical conductivity (µS.cm-1 ). Capital letters indicate significant difference between the 7 treatments for each time, while minuscule letters indicate the difference between T0, T67-Salix and T67+Salix for each treatment, Soil pore water physico-chemical characteristics determined at the beginning (T0) and at the end of the experiment, in non-vegetated (T67-Salix) and vegetated pots (T67+Salix) on